Fairbanks Community Garden
The Fairbanks Community Garden is located in Hamilton Park near downtown Fairbanks, Alaska. The garden is leased from the Fairbanks North Star Borough and managed by a private nonprofit corporation.
Who We Are
Fairbanks gardeners are a hardy bunch. Our average growing season is 90 days. Gardeners have been known to shovel snow off their site and warm the soil by covering it with clear plastic. Cold soils are a problem and usually solved by gardening in raised beds. Many gardeners use clear plastic or weed barrier cloth to help increase soil temperatures.
The people at the Community Garden make it a wonderful place. They come from all walks of life, speak many languages and are all ages. Some garden here because their cabin in the hills has no running water or sits on permafrost soils. Some live in apartments, others in elegant homes with no place for a vegetable or cutting garden in their landscape plans. Many come for the advice and friendship the other gardeners can provide. Children and seniors garden side by side. Church groups use their plots to feed the hungry or provide a focus for worship. The community garden is a slice of life in the Arctic.
Come and Join Us
One garden plot may be rented for a total of $100 per year (includes plot fee and clean-up deposit.)