Virva Elliott’s Seed Goo
How to pipe out tiny seeds. 1 cup water, boiled, mix 2-3 TBSP corn starch with cold water. Add to hot water to thicken. Let cool. Put some in a baggie, add seeds, zip baggie. snip a corner of the bag and pipe out your tiny seeds into holes. Thanks Virva for a great tip.
Thank you to the Fairbanks North Star Borough!
We have a new and improved and much needed well house thanks to the FNSBorough.
Winter Meeting Notes – March 8, 2014
The Winter Meeting of the Fairbanks Community Garden took place on March 8th, 10 am at the Food Bank. 10 gardeners were present. A number of changes were made to the handbook and the rent for new garden plots was set at $40.00/ year. Deposit will remain the same at $40.00. Fees and Contracts are Due […]
Rototilling Contact
If you need your garden plot rototilled you can contact the following: Charlie Blackwell 770-655-6888 or Colin Harper 451-0718